i seem to be updating my blog once every month. haha. anyways, its getting into the middle of winter now, we've had negative degrees for the past whole week. not very happy bout that. but the weather's gradually getting warmer for some unknown reason (not complaining though).. exams have started and i have a bloody math exam in 2 days. school and life are pretty good atm, friends both in the uk and back in m'sia. i seem to have found an english version of ah jong in my school. =) i went to town this afternoon with liam, ash and sophie. no special occasion, just sight-seeing and having a laugh with them. oh and btw, it snowed the other day last week.. white cold stuff.. and for your information, the pictures taken were mostly at this SUPER shop called Forbbiden Planet. IMO, the best shop ever! =)
A big thankyou to SARAH LEE EE LING for sending me a christmas/new year/chinese new year card to me!
i'll try to find more stuff to post, if i can be asked to do that. =x love u all. xx
1. Shirts i usually wear
2. SNOW.
3. 1k Halo costume
5. Quality check.
6. Ash, Liam, Sophie, pin.
8. RAWR!! beware the fluffball!
9. God. i love the rabbit.
10. Sweet shop.
11. mmmmmmmmmmm......
12. Statues are fun.
13. sophie.
14. a manly moment.
15. Parkstreet.
16. ummm....
17. Memorial tower.
18. bigass building
20. Jong, i found smth for u~
21. chen. our shelf.
22. casino.globe.science centre.
23. windy day
24. sophie and me.
25. Planet distance teller. LITERALLY
26. bye bye people.